File :
package OCI.Thick is
use Lib;
subtype OCIDate is Lib.OCIDate;
subtype OCINumber is Lib.OCINumber;
-- Base_Variable;
type Base_Variable is tagged limited private;
procedure Clear_Value(Var : in out Base_Variable'Class);
function Is_Null(Var : Base_Variable'Class) return Boolean;
INVALID_HANDLE : exception;
LIB_ERROR : exception;
NULL_VALUE : exception;
NOT_ATTACHED : exception; -- trying get not attached variable
-- OCIDate
function To_String(From : OCIDate; Format : String)
return String;
function SysDate return OCIDate;
Init_OCIDate : constant OCIDate;
type Handle_REference is abstract tagged private;
function Handle(ref : Handle_REference'Class) return OCIHandle;
pragma inline(Handle);
package RF renames Reference_Finalization;
type Handle_REference is abstract
new Rf.Controlled_Reference with record
Handle : OCIHandle := Empty_Handle;
end record;
package AF renames Ada.Finalization;
type Base_Variable is
new AF.Limited_Controlled with record
Indicator : aliased Sb2 := Null_Indicator;
Bind : aliased OCIBind := OCIBind(Empty_Handle);
Define : aliased OCIDefine := OCIDefine(Empty_Handle);
end record;
procedure Check_Error(Code : Sword);
procedure Free(H : OCIHandle; HType : Ub4);
function Alloc_Handle(Parent : OCIEnv; Htype : Ub4) return OCIHandle;
Init_OCIDate : constant OCIDate := (
OCIDateYYYY => 0, -- gregorian year; range is -4712 <= year <= 9999
OCIDateMM => 1, -- month; range is 1 <= month < 12
OCIDateDD => 1, -- day; range is 1 <= day <= 31
OCIDateTime => (
OCITimeHH => 0, -- hours; range is 0 <= hours <=23
OCITimeMI => 0, -- minutes; range is 0 <= minutes <= 59
OCITimeSS => 0) -- seconds; range is 0 <= seconds <= 59
end OCI.Thick